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Network Detection and Response for Government

Netography understands the unique challenges facing the public sector. Zero Trust, perfect forward secrecy in encryption, multi-cloud environments, and other headwinds are forcing all agencies to reexamine how they detect novel threats on their networks. It isn’t a matter of wanting or not wanting to decrypt, it just isn’t feasible or effective. Every day, solutions are becoming more reliant on metadata. Netography's Network Detection & Response (NDR) offering is the only true SaaS NDR solution that detects advanced threats in real time. The low impact SaaS design doesn't require transmitting payload, installing hardware or software, and it operates out of band.

Ingesting high volumes of data, enriching them with external sources in real time, and detecting advanced threats is not a small feat, and requires the full power and scale of the cloud and expertise that just isn’t available to most organizations.

At Netography, we feel that the R in Response should mean more than just wrapping up alerts and forwarding them for an operations team to review. R can and should mean Remediate. Netography provides multiple reusable integrations for automatic remediation. Don’t worry though, the system is designed for multiple outputs and can accommodate most orchestration systems as well.

With automated threat prevention, organizations can reduce their overall mean time to detect and mean time to resolve.

Netography helps government organizations with:

  • Network visibility & Traffic Analysis
  • Intelligent Threat Detection & Remediation
  • Threat Hunting/Incident response
  • Intelligent Automation
  • Powerful Analytics & Dashboards
  • Data Enrichment
  • Flexible Integrations and APIs

Netography enables effectual autonomous network security and provides telemetry to stop threats that typically go unseen. Netography NDR provides a seamless view of global infrastructure and cloud services and leverages extremely advanced threat models to detect threats and automatically respond to them.

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