
  • Centralizing Cyber

    States and localities increase coordination with the federal government.

    • Cybersecurity , All
  • Navigating Security in a Fast-Changing Environment

    Hybrid work, multi-cloud deployments and increasingly vulnerable software supply chains are just a few of the cybersecurity challenges that organizations face today. Brandon Shopp, group vice president of product for SolarWinds, discusses cybersecurity…

    • Cybersecurity , SolarWinds
  • User Identities in a Zero-Trust World

    A key pillar of Zero Trust is identity, which uses capabilities such as multifactor authentication (MFA) to continuously verify the identity of a person or device. Hanna Wong, director of public sector marketing for Keeper Security, discusses how…

    • Cybersecurity , Keeper
  • Secure Collaboration for the Work-from-Anywhere Future

    The massive shift to remote work highlighted the need to modernize the way state and local governments protect content used in collaboration and workflows. Murtaza Masood, managing director for state and local government at Box, discusses how government…

    • Cybersecurity , Box
  • What High-Performing Security Organizations Do Differently

    Organizations that implement a range of best practices are better at closing IT security gaps and making the most of their cybersecurity investments. HPE executives Joe Vidal, master technologist in the company’s Office of North America CTO, and Allen…

    • Cybersecurity , HPE
  • Growing Threats and Changing Relationships

    Mark Weatherford explores emerging security threats and the changing cybersecurity relationship between states and localities and the federal government.

    • Cybersecurity , All
  • Why Zero Trust Matters at Work (and How to Foster It)

    Cybersecurity affects us all, so we wanted to make this resource inclusive. We are taking the best of what human-centered design and intentional language can teach us about effectively communicating major security shifts that are impacting and will…

    • Cybersecurity , All
  • Practical Ways to Make Zero Trust a Reality and Add Value

    An interview with Michael Epley, Chief Architect and Security Strategist, Red Hat

    • Cybersecurity , Red Hat
  • The Best of What’s New in Cybersecurity

    Big threats, more funding and smarter technologies.

    • Cybersecurity , All
  • Finally, Cybersecurity Gets the Attention It Deserves

    A confluence of factors push the issue into the executive suite.

    • Cybersecurity , All
  • Achieving a Sustainable Cybersecurity Strategy

    Sustaining a strong cybersecurity stance is more difficult as the threat environment expands and cyberattacks become more virulent. Carolyn Duby, field CTO for Cloudera, discusses tactics — including greater collaboration between state and local…

    • Cybersecurity , Cloudera
  • Intelligent, Ubiquitous Security

    Protecting endpoints and personally identifiable information across the enterprise is no longer a job for siloed devices and cybersecurity staff working alone. Tony Lee, Vice President of Global Services Technical Operations at BlackBerry, explains how…

    • Cybersecurity , BlackBerry
  • Disaster Recovery in the Age of Ransomware

    Drew Schlussel, director of product marketing at Wasabi, explains why traditional disaster recovery strategies aren’t effective for fighting ransomware and what organizations can do to make their systems less attractive to attackers.

    • Cybersecurity , Wasabi
  • Cybersecurity at Scale

    Remote work, the shift to cloud environments, expansion of digital services and other trends have altered the threat terrain. Chris Radosh, vice president and general manager for U.S. federal business at Trend Micro, discusses emerging tools and practical…

    • Cybersecurity , Trend Micro
  • Changing Your Perspective on Security

    To outwit today’s cyber criminals, security professionals must think as cunningly as their adversaries. But doing so requires a change in perspective, says CDG Senior Fellow Morgan Wright. Wright is an adviser to the U.S. Congress House Science, Space and…

    • Cybersecurity , All